The Jackson Disc Golf Club in Jackson, Minnesota, had been experienced ongoing flooding in years past, and had to remove their disc golf course and find a better location for a new disc golf course. The club found the land, designed the 18 hole course and was now in need of signage for the park.
The club asked for individual signs for all 18 holes, and a full park map overview of the disc golf course. This disc golf club also did not have a thematic brand to carry through the park and project, so we created a simplistic logo to cater to the clubs needs inspired from an FC.
The project scope needed a well designed and easily readable sign. A comprehensive map was designed for each hole to help give the accurate information to the player on the course. A full scale map overview of the park, course par, sponsors, and alternate nine hole layout. Scorecards were also designed for players to use and keep score.
Programs: Illustrator – Photoshop