Par Save Productions, was a Minnesota-based video production team that I co-founded, dedicated to capturing the excitement of professional disc golf. We specialized in filming tournaments across the Northern Midwest, and provided in-depth coverage of national events on the Disc Golf Pro Tour.
Our aim was to deliver a premium viewing experience, complete with dynamic motion graphics and content that rivaled the sports coverage you’d see on ESPN. We proudly collaborated with the DGPT, helping shape their seasonal video productions.
I led a team of five individuals to create the robust production value showcased on our channel. We always ran with a tight schedules, and worked on refining the efficiency of our production process. Our successful channel hit over 32,000 subscribers. It truly was an exciting endeavor to be a part of.
I led a team of five individuals to create the robust production value showcased on our channel. We always ran with a tight schedules, and worked on refining the efficiency of our production process. Our successful channel hit over 32,000 subscribers. It truly was an exciting endeavor to be a part of.
Though Par Save Pro is no longer active, I’m proud of the work we accomplished and the vibrant disc golf community we showcased. You can still find our coverage on YouTube, where the thrill of Minnesota disc golf lives on!
Below, you can check out a few of our tournament videos from our Youtube channel.
Below, you can check out a few of our tournament videos from our Youtube channel.
Par Save Productions is available to watch for free on Youtube. Please take some time to enjoy the work we have put into these videos. Made with love.